Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Driving Through Mexico

General Information & Instructions for driving in and around Mexico

For starters these instructions and information may strike you as very abrupt, precise and to the point, that’s wonderful, they were intended to be that way. Do not leave on your driving trip through Mexico without reading them all to the end and even more importantly; UNDERSTANDING THEM THOROUGHLY & COMPLETELY!!!

My experiences:
The first memories of coming to Mexico were with my father when I was 15 years old, 53 years ago, since then rarely has a year past when I hadn’t returned numerous times per year. I am quite familiar with crossing the border and their requirements, some legal and some not quite so legal. I have crossed at virtually every border crossing from Matamoros to Tijuana and all points in between.
 I have traveled in by car, truck, Hummer, motor home, private plane, personal yacht, commercial airline, motorcycle, cruise ship and walked across and back many times, some friends tell me I have even crawled, of course I can’t remember those times so we won’t be talking about them anymore…OK! While in Mexico I have been involved in two motorcycle accidents, one scooter flip, one quad roll down a mountain and one lost engine in a twin 1960’s vintage Sky King type Beachcraft between Mexicali and Hermosillo on the way back from San Carlos. Three of which required stitches or hospitalization or both. Two broken ankles, two cracked ribs (twice), one broken toe 32 stitches and one nasty burn, I’m still here and I still love Mexico and their people.
I have driven down Baja twice, down the mainland coast of the Sea of Cortez as far as Acapulco, through the mountains to Mexico City and across the Sonora Desert several times as well as my son and I recently drove from Florida to Xcalak on the Belize border. Was caught in a forest fire with my girlfriend and sat it out on a golf course, thankfully we were in my Hummer H2.