Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Travel Through Jungle Areas

Many people are unaware that much of Mexico is dense jungle and tropical rainforest, many species of wild life exist and survive in the forest's down here. In the last 6 months my son and I have seen on or near our property in Xcalak, 3 Boas, one Diamondback, several wild pigs, one Puma, one Jaguar, several deer, lots of Chichalackas, and several Cotemundi and one 6ft crocodile in the creek 4kms north of the house, flocks of wild parrots and one of those weird things that look like a hairy ant eater.

Below are some extremely rare photos of Mexican wild animals seen only deep in the rain forests of Mexico, trust me if you see one of these you need to grab a picture, quit smoking that shit and head for the clinic.
This is a Crockaduck, do not try to take it's eggs, she will f#@k you up!
This is a Parragecko, he ain't wanting no stinking crackers, watch your fingers.
This is a Redheaded Pecker Snatcher, do not sun bathe naked near these critters!
This is a Cockadog, rarely seen and often feared by virgin chickens.
This is a Frogadile, trust me, you do not want to swim in their pond if you want to keep all your dangling parts.

If you actually believe these exist, email me immediately, I have some ocean view property in Iowa for sale cheap.