To survive in Mexico you must have
some common sense, the ability to chew gum and walk at the same time also helps
and the ability to do things for yourself without depending on someone else to
do them for you is a plus. Common sense goes a long way in Mexico, PHD’s and
“Book Learning’s” can be tossed into the bote de basura (trash can) cause ain’t
nobody here who cares about them and certainly not impressed by them. You may
notice that the term “common sense” is used a lot in these instructions, if you
are unsure what that means … quit reading now! Close your computer and don’t
plan on driving to or through Mexico….. Take a plane instead.
you are still reading so I assume you have some common sense, good, because
other than lots of money it is the single most important asset you can have
while in Mexico, in reality the only time you need lots of money is when you
have no common sense and you need extra cash to buy or bribe your way out of
whatever you did wrong because of your lack of common sense.
Driving in Mexico:
here we go again with that term “common sense” don’t leave home without it! I’m
sure that not one of you would have a fear of driving through Los Angeles,
Detroit or DC on a lighted Interstate at night, however if you have any common
sense you would not drive through Watts in Los Angeles or through the Ghetto’s
of DC or the Projects in Detroit at night unless you were in an armor plated
A good rule to remember in Mexico
is: Do not drive anywhere at night in Mexico unless it is an emergency or
unless it is a place that you are familiar with, you have been there many times
before, you know exactly how to get there and you can get there without having
to stop for anything, you are not allowed to pack a pistol in Mexico so pack
your common sense instead and you will never have a need for a pistol.
lots of explanatory maps, more importantly, know how to read and understand
them, have a good compass in your car, if you don’t know how to use one, bring
a Boy Scout or stay at home. Street signs are often none existent, wrong,
missing, misleading or in Spanish which you may or may not understand anyway.
Topes (toe-pays) are inexpensive but
efficient ways to control traffic speeds in rural and residential areas, in
reality they are nothing but large (very large) speed bumps that show up in the
middle of nowhere with little or no warning. Basically there are only two types
of drivers in Mexico, those who have hit topes at 60 mph and those that are
going to hit topes at 60mph. Once you have hit a tope at 60mph (hopefully
someone is with you to help pull your head out of the headliner) you will
become more consciously aware of the need to look for and……fear topes. The symbol for an upcoming topes is a street sign
resembling a silhouette of Dolly Parton laying on her back, if you can’t
understand that, just hit one, it won’t take long, you’ll learn.