Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mexican Street Signs

Street Signs:
     Below are the most common street signs in Mexico, I believe they are self explanatory. The ones missing are pretty much the same as the ones missing in the States: 1. three men leaning on shovels which means, be careful we are getting paid for doing nothing. 2. Silhouette of large pot hole which means, holy shit, what the hell was that. 3. Silhouette of dog with nose up your tail pipe which means…fearless Mexican Road Hounds who will chase you no matter what speed you are going. 4. Silhouette of peasant on roadside with fruit or veggies in hand which means, if you are dumb enough to eat it we are smart enough to sell it. The rest speak for themselves.  

Note: Speeds are indicated in kilometers and heights are measured in meters.